A Natural Remedy for High Blood Pressure

Vedasmi BP Care

Nature’s Answer to Managing High BP


Vedasmi BP Care capsules contain a unique blend of exotic herbs in a synergistic proportion that helps manage high blood pressure and improves cardiovascular health. It has been developed with highly effective herbs known for managing abnormal BP conditions such as Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna), Jatamansi (Nardostachys), Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia Serpentina), Shankhapushpi (Convolvulus Pluricaulis), Gokshura (Tribulus Terrestris) etc which helps reduce high blood pressure, removes bad cholesterol and strengthens cardiac muscles.

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100% Safe for Personal Use!

We take extraordinary care to maintain the purity and potency of Vedasmi BP Care capsules. It is prepared only from pure natural herbs, sourced from the pristine surroundings of the hilly regions and deep forests. No artificial or pharmaceutical enhancers are used in its preparation to keep it 100% safe for personal use, and great care is taken to prepare this herbal medicine only according to ancient Ayurvedic texts to maintain its potency.

To ensure it’s safety for human consumption, every new batch of Vedasmi BP Care is tested by Government approved laboratories on all the vital parameters, such as steroids, pesticides, heavy metal and microbial contents.

Lab test results of Vedasmi BP Care have been extremely positive and it has been found to be absolutely safe for personal use on all the parameters.

Check out the latest lab test report:

Government Approved Lab Test Analysis Report

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Uniqueness of Vedasmi BP Care

Vedasmi BP Care capsules encapsulate the synergistic blend of revered Ayurvedic herbs, bringing forward a holistic approach to managing high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and fostering cardiovascular health. Foremost, the Arjuna, fortified with co-enzyme Q-10 and arjunolic acid, operates not only as a powerhouse of antioxidants that strengthen heart muscles and enhance blood circulation but also actively works in reducing cholesterol and blood pressure levels, thereby standing as a pillar in cardiovascular well-being. Complementing Arjuna’s efficacy, Jatamanasi steps in with its stress-alleviating properties, offering a serene pathway to mitigate the hypertensive states induced by anxiety and potentially assisting in cholesterol management.

In this harmonized blend, Sarpgandha finds its place as a historic warrior against high blood pressure, reducing peripheral vascular resistance and potentially fostering a stable heartbeat, offering a guarded shield to your heart. Brahmi, a renowned herb, not only offers cognitive enhancement but brings to the table its stress-reducing and antioxidant properties, that work diligently in the background safeguarding your cardiovascular system from oxidative stress. Shankhpushpi, while primarily known for enhancing mental function, lends its supportive hand through its calming effects, subtly contributing to the comprehensive approach towards blood pressure management. Not to overlook Gokharu, whose potential vasodilatory effects and ability to fine-tune cholesterol levels paints a full circle in this blend, working towards a holistic health outlook.

By uniting these potent herbs, Vedasmi BP Care capsules aspire to carve a path to balanced health, nurturing not just the heart but the body and mind, offering a natural refuge for those navigating the complexities of cardiovascular health issues. It is, however, imperative to acknowledge that while these constituents represent a deep reservoir of Ayurvedic wisdom and have shown promise in research, consultation with a healthcare provider remains paramount to ensure personalized, safe, and effective health management.

Health Benefits

  • Helps in reducing high blood pressure.
  • Aids in lowering bad cholesterol levels.
  • Supports healthy heart muscles.
  • Offers potential stress-reducing benefits.
  • Promotes improved blood circulation.
  • Contributes to cognitive enhancement.
  • Facilitates a calm mind and reduced anxiety.
  • Potentially stabilizes heartbeat.
  • Protects the cardiovascular system from oxidative stress.
  • Supports overall heart health.
  • Helps manage peripheral vascular resistance.
  • Potential vasodilatory effects.
  • A natural source of co-enzyme Q-10, instrumental in heart health.
  • Improves HDL levels, promoting a balanced cholesterol profile.
  • Enhances mental tranquility and reduced stress levels.

Details of the Herbal Ingredients

Terminalia Arjuna, commonly referred to as Arjuna, has been a focal point in various research endeavours aiming to decipher its health benefits. Clinically, Arjuna has demonstrated promising results in the management of cardiovascular ailments. The bark of the tree, rich in co-enzyme Q-10, has been associated with improved heart health, showcasing potential in strengthening heart muscles and enhancing cardiac function. Its utilization has been seen to aid in the dilation of blood vessels, which can lead to a reduction in high blood pressure, thereby offering a natural approach to hypertension management. Furthermore, research showcases Arjuna’s capacity to modulate lipid profile positively, aiding in the reduction of bad cholesterol levels, which is pivotal in averting coronary artery diseases. The robust antioxidant profile of this herb further augments cardiovascular health, providing a protective shield against oxidative stress, a known precursor to numerous heart-related issues. Thus, the clinical inclination towards Arjuna is substantiated by its multifaceted role in fostering cardiovascular health, managing high blood pressure, and mitigating bad cholesterol levels.

Nardostachys, often referred to as Jatamanasi, is distinguished for its therapeutic properties grounded in its tranquilizing effects, frequently utilized in Ayurvedic practices. In the clinical landscape, Jatamanasi has showcased potential in mitigating stress and anxiety, which are significant contributors to high blood pressure; thereby, playing a role in maintaining a healthy blood pressure level by promoting relaxation and mental calmness. It contains beneficial compounds like sesquiterpenes, which have been noted for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, attributes that are essential in safeguarding cardiovascular health. While its direct impact on cholesterol management remains under a lesser spotlight in research compared to its other benefits, it holds a substantial place in traditional medicine for promoting overall well-being, which indirectly can be inferred to have a protective role in heart health. Thus, incorporating Jatamanasi in one’s health regimen might foster cardiovascular stability by enhancing both mental and heart health, albeit the necessity for further clinical corroboration.

Rauvolfia Serpentina, commonly known as Sarpgandha, has been historically recognized in the clinical sphere for its beneficial impact on cardiovascular health. It houses alkaloids such as reserpine, which have been instrumental in the treatment of hypertension by reducing peripheral vascular resistance, which in turn aids in lowering high blood pressure. This action is notably significant in preventing heart-related complications that can arise from sustained high blood pressure. Moreover, it demonstrates a potential in regularizing heartbeat, adding to its cardiovascular benefits. While its direct role in cholesterol management is not profoundly highlighted in clinical studies, its overarching benefits for heart health can’t be undermined. The use of Sarpgandha has been noted to exert a calming effect on the nervous system, which can potentially lead to a reduced stress response, a known contributor to cardiovascular issues. It stands as a potent agent in a heart health regimen, offering a clinically backed pathway to managing high blood pressure and fostering cardiovascular wellbeing, albeit with a cautious approach to its use given potential side effects.

Bacopa Monnieri, often referred to as Brahmi, holds a venerable place in the clinical and Ayurvedic landscapes for its multidimensional health benefits. Clinically, Brahmi has been acknowledged for its adeptness in reducing anxiety and stress, factors that are intrinsically linked to high blood pressure. By fostering a calm and relaxed state of mind, it indirectly assists in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Moreover, Brahmi has been noticed to house antioxidant properties, which play a pivotal role in shielding the cardiovascular system from oxidative stress, a precursor to many heart-related issues. While its direct impact on bad cholesterol levels isn’t extensively documented in clinical studies, its engagement in promoting overall well-being provides a constructive route in cardiovascular health management. Thus, Brahmi emerges as a supportive agent in cardiovascular health strategies, granting not only cognitive enhancements but also potentially aiding in the harmonious functioning of the cardiovascular system through stress reduction and antioxidant action.

Convolvulus Pluricaulis, commonly known as Shankhpushpi, is an herb often highlighted in the context of its neuroprotective and cognitive enhancing effects in the research field. While its primary spotlight has been on mental health and cognitive function, it has also been recognized for potential benefits in cardiovascular health, mainly through its potential to alleviate anxiety and stress, factors that can be contributory to high blood pressure. Though the bulk of clinical studies focuses on its effects on the central nervous system, this has indirect implications for cardiovascular wellness, considering the well-established link between mental health and heart health. However, the research directly correlating Shankhpushpi with cholesterol management is yet to be substantial. It maintains a presence in formulations aimed at supporting cardiovascular health, leaning on its traditionally attributed benefits and its role in fostering mental well-being, which is a cornerstone in the holistic approach to managing cardiovascular issues. Thus, Shankhpushpi serves as a supportive agent offering dual benefits for cognitive and potentially cardiovascular health.

Tribulus Terrestris, also known as Gokharu, is a herb that has been spotlighted in research for its various health benefits, including potential positive effects on cardiovascular health. It has been noted for its potential diuretic properties, which can aid in reducing blood pressure by decreasing the volume of blood the heart needs to pump. Moreover, clinical findings suggest it might foster healthy cholesterol levels by promoting a rise in high-density lipoprotein (HDL, often termed as ‘good cholesterol’), hence potentially playing a role in maintaining a healthy lipid profile. Its vascular benefits also extend to potentially enhancing blood circulation, a fundamental aspect in averting cardiovascular diseases. Gokharu has been documented to contain phytochemicals that can act as natural antioxidants, helping in shielding the heart from oxidative stress and related damages. Hence, Gokharu presents itself as a supportive agent in cardiovascular health management, aiding not only in blood pressure and cholesterol moderation but also offering a broader spectrum of benefits encapsulating a preventive approach to heart ailments.

Recommended Dosage

For the best results, take 1 or 2 capsules daily after meals with water or as directed by the physician.

Our unique herbal formulation is supportive enough to manage your high BP condition on a sustainable basis. You may start noticing improvement in your condition within 5-7 days of starting the course.

Side Effects

Being a 100% herbal preparation it has no known side effects or any sort of addictive potential.


If you are taking medications, or have a medical condition, please consult your health care practitioner prior to the use of this product. Keep out of reach of children.

Vedasmi Herbals

A Legacy of Excellence!

Your Own Herbal Store

Vedasmi Herbals firmly believe in the healing power of the omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent nature. Therefore, we offer a holistic approach to healing and well-being of the mind, body and soul, all the natural way.

Coffee Bean

Best Herbs

Pure natural herbs, sourced from the pristine surroundings of the hilly regions and deep forests.

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Ethically Processed

Great care is taken to prepare and preserve the medicines only according to ancient Ayurvedic texts.

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Quality Control

GMP certified production unit. Each batch of medicine is lab tested for it’s safety for human consumption.

Quality Certifications

When you purchase certified herbal supplements from Vedasmi Herbals, you can be confident that you are making a healthful choice, as all of our proprietary formulations are 100% herbal and certified by GMP, ISO and Ministry of Ayush, Government of India.

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Vedasmi Herbals
Neelkanth Tower, Block Road, Ratu
Ranchi - 835222, Jharkhand (India)


Vedasmi products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. For more information pertaining to your personal needs please see a qualified health practitioner.

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